Thursday, June 26, 2014



“You no-name trollop.” Hazel Palmer’s strident tones ripped into Abby. “You tricked my son into marriage by getting pregnant. He never should have taken that posting to Australia.”

“Robbie and I loved each other,” Abby yelled back.

“Stop this shouting.” Bob Palmer’s cold voice sliced into the fraught atmosphere of the kitchen. “I will not tolerate it.”

“I want this tramp out of my house.” Hazel marched around the kitchen like a demented witch.

“Lower your voices,” Bob growled. “The neighbors might hear you.”

“And we couldn’t have that,” Abby shrilled. “They might find out how you treat your son’s widow.”

“You listen, my girl.” Bob grabbed her by the arm, his fingers pinching her skin as he shook her. She would have bruises on her arm tomorrow.

“If you don’t like it here in Englandyou can leave,” he continued his eyes hard and pitiless. “But Rosie stays with us.”


Rhobin said...

No mother tolerates being threatened, especially with someone taking her child. Good scene to raise your readers' blood-pressure.

Unknown said...

Wow....great tension. Made me want to keep reading. You're such a tease. :) Great job.

Tricia McGill said...

Who wants in-laws like that? Great segment, Margaret.

Margaret Tanner said...

Rhobin, Ginger and Tricia,
Thanks for leaving a comment, much appreciated.